Marriage Officiant Registration
* Areas Greyed out are prior Covid-19.
* Areas with Red Text are Covid-19 Changes.
New York State Law requires any person who performs a Marriage Ceremony within the City of New York to register with the City Clerk. Registration is done in our Manhattan office located at 141 Worth Street, New York, NY 10013.
If you are planning to wed anywhere within the five boroughs of New York City, you should ask the person who is performing your Marriage Ceremony if they have registered.
The registration requirement does not apply to Marriage Ceremonies performed anywhere else in the State of New York.
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The fee to Register to perform Marriage Ceremonies is $15 by credit card by mail only (in person registration only) or by money order payable to the City Clerk.
Who is Eligible to Register
- Section 11 of the Domestic Relations Law of the State of New York shows the list of people who are eligible to perform Marriage Ceremonies within the State of New York.
Read this section of the law - Generally, the following people may register:
- Clergy members or ministers of any religion;
- Leaders of the Society of Ethical Culture;
- The Mayor or any former Mayor of the City of New York;
- Federal, state, or local judges or justices, elected or appointed in the State of New York, who are currently serving or retired;
- The Clerk of the Appellate Division of the First or Second Department; and
- The County Clerk of any of the five counties in the City of New York.
- If you are a member of the above stated list and have not previously registered to perform Marriage Ceremonies in the City of New York, please continue reading to learn how to register.
Registration Procedure
If you wish to register as a Marriage Officiant, you may submit an application online to the City Clerk's Office and mail to our Manhattan office to complete it. visit our Manhattan office during our regular business hours to complete it, or mail in your application materials. If you reside in Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island or Queens you must register in person. For in person office visits:
Manhattan Office
Hours: 8:30 am to 3:45 pm, Monday through Friday
141 Worth Street
New York, NY 10013
For mailing applications: please download the application and mail it to our office at:
Office of the City Clerk
Marriage Officiant Registration Clerk
141 Worth Street
New York, NY 10013
You must bring proper identification and the documentation required under the different options stated below. The requirements are different for each category of Officiant.
Procedure for Clergy Members and Religious Leaders
- If you are a clergy member or minister of any religious faith or a Leader of the Society for Ethical Culture, there are three registration procedure options depending on which most suits your organization or congregation.
- Option 1: Your denomination publishes a directory.
- If you belong to a denomination that publishes a directory of its clergy, you may present the actual directory or a copy of the cover page of the directory and a copy of the page where your name is listed; or
- If your name is not yet listed in a directory, you may present a letter from the denomination that publishes the directory, confirming your membership; or
- If your name is not yet listed in a directory, you may also submit a certificate or letter that shows you graduated from the seminary or theological school of the denomination that publishes the directory.
- Option 2: Your denomination does not publish a directory, but issues Certificates of Ordination or Licenses to Minister.
- If you do not belong to a denomination that publishes a directory, you may submit a copy of your ordination certificate, a License to Minister, or a letter of appointment from your denomination; and
- If the Certificate of Ordination is not written in English, you must also provide an English translation; and
- You must attach a letter from your local congregation that verifies that you are the pastor or associate pastor of the congregation and that your congregation consents to your registration with the Office of the City Clerk (Get Sample Letter A); and
- You must attach one of the following documents:
- A copy of the church's Articles of Incorporation; or
- A statement that lists the location of the church, the reason for the church's founding, the number of trustees of the church, the approximate size of the congregation, and how often the congregation meets (Get Sample Letter B).
- Option 3: Your denomination does not publish a directory and does not issue Certificates of Ordination or Licenses to Minister.
- If you do not belong to a denomination that publishes a directory and your denomination does not grant Certificates of Ordination or Licenses to Minister, you may still register by submitting a letter from your congregation that states that you are the recognized spiritual leader of the congregation and the congregation consents to your registration (Get Sample Letter C); and
- You must attach one of the following documents:
- A copy of the church's Articles of Incorporation; or
- A statement that lists the location of the church, the reason for the church's founding, the number of trustees of the church, the approximate size of the congregation and how often the congregation meets (Get Sample Letter B).
- Once you have completed the form using the correct option above, you must visit the Manhattan office to complete your registration if you are a resident of the City of New York.
- If you reside outside of the City of New York you may mail the signed and notarized application, a photocopy of your proper identification and your fee of $15 by money order payable to the City Clerk.
Procedure for Judges, Clerks, and Mayors
- If you are a judge or justice, whether currently serving or retired, you must submit a current identification card issued by the Unified Court System of the State of New York.
- If you are a retired judge or justice, you must present proof that you have been certified under Section 212 of the Judiciary Law.
- If you are a mayor or former mayor or clerk, you must have documentation that identifies you as the holder of your respective office.
- You must then visit our Manhattan office to complete your registration and sign the registry.
Completion of Registration
- Your registration is complete once you have signed the registry. After you pay the fee, you will receive a Certificate of Registration with your Registration Identification Number.
- Your Registration Identification Number can be used to speed the search for your record on a Marriage License or if you file a Change of Address with our office.
Change of Address Registration
- Once you have registered with our office as a Marriage Officiant, you are required by law to provide us with any change of address before performing your next ceremony.
- To notify us of your change of address, please call our office at 212-669-8077 or write to us at:
Office of the City Clerk
Marriage Officiant Registration Clerk
141 Worth Street
New York, NY 10013